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Short Talk and Poster Abstracts for The Norwegian Cancer Symposium 2024

List of Short Talks and Posters and Abstract Book can be downloaded here.

Congratulations to the Poster Award winners

We had 118 posters being displayed in two poster sessions with very vibrant discussions. The 1st and 2nd Prize were selected by a poster prize committee and a separate Award was voted for by all the participants through the POSTR app.

The winners were:
First place prize: Poster number 56, Anette Kathinka Dahl - Department of Molecular Cell Biology,
Title: Characterising the localisation and function of the BEACH domain containingBEAL2

Second place prize: Poster number 91, Tord Hompland - Department of Radiation Biology, Title: MR hypoxia imaging of prostate cancer patients reveals a strong association between severe hypoxia, the metastatic cascade and poor outcome after prostatectomy.

People's Choice Award (voted by participants through the POSTR app): Poster number 27, Anne-Sofie Rise - Department of Cancer Immunology, Title: Proteosome inhibition overcomes resistance to targeted therapies in B cell malignancy models and in an index patient.



Picture, from left: Sigrid Skånland (senior author poster #27, Anne-Sofie Rise), Anette Kathinka Dahl (poster #56 1ste prize), Heidi Lyng (senior author poster #91, Tord Hompland, 2nd prize), Claire Dunn, chair of the poster prize committee (Sigrid & Heidi recived the awards on behalf of Anne-Sofie & Tord).

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